Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm oooooon Vacation!!

1st of all. I am learning that my wife is pretty cool. I say that because i keep getting comments like this: "Your wife let you take off for 10 days with a buddy while she is 8 1/2 month pregnant?" So thank you to my wife! You are great.

I AM MAKING 8 VIDEOS IN 8 DAYS to summarize our expidition.

Me and my buddy Matt from Seattle met in Manhattan and hung there for 2 days at my friend Jakes crib near "Ground Zero". click here for a montage of our NYC stay:

We visited the new Yankee Stadium which was cool but it felt a little soleless compared to our trip to the old Yankee Stadium.
here's a montage of our Yankee Stadium Experience

Then to PHILLY in an hour and a half! The history stuff was potent... but not as breath-taking as the perserved side of Boston.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH ME CLIMB THE ROCKY STEPS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJs85NzIFqE

Had a Philly Cheese Steak at Gino's. Ran the Rocky Steps. Independence Hall all before sun down.
Off to New England to meet my buddy nate in Springfield, MA. Our rental car broke down in the morning but it's cool because we landed next to a Dunkin Donuts (the Bfast sandwiches are my new weakness)

Went to Fenway for a 2nd time. Always magical!

Went to Cape Cod but got bored and ended up at our favorite Irish Pub (The Black Rose) in Boston!

Back to NYC to hang with an old radio friend Evan (NOW FM's Chunky)
Then to Long Island then to Florida.
Observations: I feel like I have sampled enough of NYC for awhile. But New England leaves me wanting a 3rd trip!

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