Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The house that Dave built

I was born in May of 77. About a month after the city of Seattle was blessed with a baseball franchise.
The Voice on the radio that first pitch was Dave Niehaus. Dave died today still the voice of the Mariners.
33 years made up of mostly subpar baseball teams… but 1 voice.
I am in broadcasting today because of the impact of that man.
He captivated his audience like no one I’ve ever heard.
I remember being 8 years old on a gorgeous Seattle summer evening. The smell of fresh cut grass, some corn on the cob in my hand, and the voice of Dave Niehaus calling a walk off Phil Bradley home run on the radio. We were 32 games out of first place. But it was perfect.
His voice and calls united a region for 33 years.
Ken Griffey, Jr will always get the credit for saving baseball in Seattle. But Mr. Niehaus gave Griffey something to save. The 1 voice that kept fans of a flailing franchise together for decades.

One of my most prized possessions was the Mariner’s 20th Anniversary cd. Every moment of important moments in the franchise’s first 20 years. It was filled with calls from Dave Niehaus and each one brought me back to a place in front of a radio.

I remember cracking the shrink wrap off the cd on my way to a minimum wage job as a 20 year old. I looked in the rear view mirror noticing how ridiculous it was that a grown man is sobbing on his way to work. Listening to his call of the Mariner’s game 5 win over the Yankees in 1995 with Griffey charging around 3rd base got my “mascara” running for sure!

I had 2 opportunities to meet Dave. As a young passionate broadcaster I was able to corner Dave, Ron Fairly, and Rick Rizz outside a 2nd floor elevator at the old cement sanctuary known as the Kingdome. I could tell they were just trying to get to busses without being bothered. Thankfully for me the elevator was jammed and I was able to get them to talk. They had some tips about how to get into baseball broadcasting.

But the real treat came in 2008. I finally got to corner Dave outside Tropicana Field in Tampa. In 15 seconds I muttered out some flattering words about how his work changed my career path and how he united a region. I thanked him. Those 15 seconds to him probably did not make any sense.

I’ve interviewed Sylvester Stallone, Sinead O’Conner, Reba McIntyre and more… but those 15 seconds in front of Dave were the most star struck seconds of my life. Why? Because the man was attached to a thousand memories in my life time. Lord knows I didn’t watch Rocky 5 enough times to raise that kind of passion while meeting Sly!
He died 2 ½ years after that conversation. And Dave would never remember those 15 seconds. But they meant the world to me. A chance to say thank you. Thanks to the man whose voice held together the Pacific North West for 33 years.

"My oh my"
“Swung on and belted”
“Get out the rye bread and the mustard this time Grandma… it’s Grand Salami time!”

RIP Dave
That kid outside that Kingdome elevator

Sunday, May 30, 2010

How i lost 50 pounds in 5 months

On Christmas day I hit my heaviest point ever. 273.6 pounds. 8 years ago I got married when I was 225 pounds. But 8 years of careless eating led to the new weight. By the end of may I hit 221.8

A few people around me were on Watch Watchers so I started using some of their materials as of New Years eve. I will say this… if you have the money… Weight watchers works.

But I’ve pulled off 50 pounds with zero exercise and using my friends Weight Watchers calculator.

WW said I get 37 points a day. I chose to shoot for 32 points a day.

Most say to drink 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day. I chose to use the advice of a couple doctors that said you should take your weight and divide it in half and that’s how many FL OZ of water to drink daily. Drink it room tempeture and you can throw more back. I carry a LARGE cup around with me along with my 125 FL OZ jug of water. When I’m at work I try to get almost all of my water in me because there’s always a bathroom around. View your water intake as if it were a pill to take.
When it comes to times I eat. First I will say that I’ve started viewing eating as fueling my body. I benefit the most when the food I consume actually gets used for energy… Thus, using more points in the morning and lunch time will benefit you better because you generally get to burn it off even if you are not exercising.

The keys:
1. Know the Fat, Calories, and fiber of everything you put into your body
2. Don’t cheat on the water. Get the full amount in you
3. Don’t cheat on the points. If you go over you pay for it if you do it enough
4. Plan for your week moments. Late at night. In a rush with no time to cook something healthy
5. Weigh your chicken/fish out… make sure you have the serving sizes correct
6. Give up cheese and red meat
7. Soda, chips, sweets don’t exist anymore
8. Find the things you like to eat (that are low points) and live off them!
9. Do cardio or walk and you get some points back!

Dining out tips
Taco bell. crunchy fresco style tacos are 4 points each
Chick Fil A. 4 count chicken strips (no sauces) 7 points
Chicken salad sandwich (6 points)
Subway! I do a footlong veggie sub w/ low fat sweet onion dressing. No cheese but loaded with my favorite veggies (9 points and every filling)
Needless to say I try to choose the footlong sub over 3 crunchy tacos. The one that is 9 points is way more filling than the 12 point tacos

Sit down restraunt: Ask for your fish or chicken to be cool w/o oil or butter. Top it with something you love… good salsa/ A-1 steaksauce/ veggies
Don’t ever eat a bloomin’ onion!

Good products to have around:
Big bag of apples
Big bag of oranges
Dole Frozen mixed fruit
Special K low fat Pesto Crackers
Wasa Crackers
Find your favorite salsa
Melba toast
FF laughing cow cheese
SUGAR FREE GUM! Knocks out comfort eating
Coffee and Tea do the same thing
Wheat tortillas
Loads of veggies that you can make the way you like
FF cheese and FF refried beans
Rice or low cal pasta
Fiber 1 bars (chocolate)
Wwatchers deserts
FF popcorn
I can’t believe its not butter spray!!!!
Google on your phone to check Fat/Cal/Fiber of everything

AVERAGE DAY FOR ME (considering I use 32 points)
Morning: 1 cup fiber 1 cereal topped with a ½ a cup of almond milk (3 points)
Smooth in a blender 1 apple, 1 orange, and a cup of Dole frozen mixed fruits. Mix it with a little lemon concentrate and water (3 points)
Snack: Fiber 1 bar (chocolate) sold in big boxes at costco or sams (2 points)
Lunch: 1 cup of rice thrown into a skillet with scrambled eggs, chopped up carrots, celery, peas and topped with Soy Sauce (huge meal for only 6 or 7 points) (I don’t do this every day cuz it’s a lot of sodium but for the same point value switch to a turkey sandwich on wheat with mustard/spices/lettuce/onion ect)
Snack 2: Wasa Wheat crisps covered in my favorite salsa or laughing cow cheese on melba toast
Dinner: chicken cooked oil free and topped with somethin’ amazing that involves veggies
Late night snack: fat free corn covered in I can’t believe its not butter spray (2 or 3 points)
and 2 graham crackers with a big spoonful of FF cool whip (1 point)
and loads of water!

PLAN FOR YOUR WEAKNESSES! My wife has a sweet tooth so she stocks up on all these low point WW icecreams and treats. Easy/low point way to over come the urge to put loads of fat/calories in your body.
I have a salt tooth. Fat Free Pringles have saved me! According to the WW calculator you can have 15 FF Pringles for 1 point.

Going to a ball game/movie? Take a tootsie pop (1 pnt) and a 2 ounce bag of FF beef jerkey.

Success breeds more success! Watching it fall off of you makes you say no easier!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm oooooon Vacation!!

1st of all. I am learning that my wife is pretty cool. I say that because i keep getting comments like this: "Your wife let you take off for 10 days with a buddy while she is 8 1/2 month pregnant?" So thank you to my wife! You are great.

I AM MAKING 8 VIDEOS IN 8 DAYS to summarize our expidition.

Me and my buddy Matt from Seattle met in Manhattan and hung there for 2 days at my friend Jakes crib near "Ground Zero". click here for a montage of our NYC stay:

We visited the new Yankee Stadium which was cool but it felt a little soleless compared to our trip to the old Yankee Stadium.
here's a montage of our Yankee Stadium Experience

Then to PHILLY in an hour and a half! The history stuff was potent... but not as breath-taking as the perserved side of Boston.


Had a Philly Cheese Steak at Gino's. Ran the Rocky Steps. Independence Hall all before sun down.
Off to New England to meet my buddy nate in Springfield, MA. Our rental car broke down in the morning but it's cool because we landed next to a Dunkin Donuts (the Bfast sandwiches are my new weakness)

Went to Fenway for a 2nd time. Always magical!

Went to Cape Cod but got bored and ended up at our favorite Irish Pub (The Black Rose) in Boston!

Back to NYC to hang with an old radio friend Evan (NOW FM's Chunky)
Then to Long Island then to Florida.
Observations: I feel like I have sampled enough of NYC for awhile. But New England leaves me wanting a 3rd trip!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

... Why under these stars is it so easy to let go and just believe?
Why do you become so murky the moment I enter my house?
Why are you so hard to hear the second I enter my work place?
When trouble raises it's voice; why do I pretend that I barely know you?
Yet under that celestial canvas of yours it's so much easier to remember who you are and who I am?
Why is it so easy to believe that you created me and found a way to save me.
Yet when it comes to my problems, worries, and fears I find a way to forget who you are?
When you tell me your yoke is light and your burden is easy I seem to prefer the weight of my own burden as sweat beads drip off my face.
It doesn't make sense.
But under your stars it all makes sense.
If I weren't renting I'd consider a homemade skylight in my house to fix this problem.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cinderella, Santa, and Pixie Fairy's!

My little kids believe in some very interesting things. At Christmas time my 5 year old puts out Cookies for Santa and Carrots for his reindeer. When she wakes up Christmas morning she truly believes that Santa and Rudolph came into our house and partook!

I've never heard her break down the specifics of what an overnight trip to every house in the world would take. She's never asked me how a deer can defy gravity and fly from house to house... she just believes.

I have had a faith in God as my creator and Jesus as my savior and redeemer for nearly 30 years. Although i wonder on a daily basis how God can speak the Universe into existance. How did he speak and human life came to be. Every day i wonder how over 4000 years ago a guy named Moses walked on dry ground through the Red Sea. I still wonder how Jesus physically was dead... but he defied death and came back to life

I wonder how people who believe in a loving God/Savior can meet sunday morning and sing and talk about Freedom yet they live chained to religion?

There's a lot that doesn't make sense to me

Whats my problem?

Then I recently stumbled upon this:

Luke Chapter 10 Verse 21

At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.

Are you kidding? Is it that easy?

All the truths of God are hidden in the children and the way they process things?

I will become a student at home now! When my daughter asks me if Cinderella truly sleeps in Cinderella's castle at Disney World in Orlando... I'll smile! She's helping me under stand my maker!

Just believe!

Friday, June 13, 2008

wrestle with God

i would like to start this by saying that I am in awe of God. I "fear" God in the awestruck sense. How can you not? Look at what he's made. Look at this litle seed of faith in me that connects me to an unseen creator... I am obviously in awe of Him.

But what i am about to say may sound unconventional.

I truly believe God wants to pick a fight with some of us!

Before calling the religion police on me... let me explain.

Genesis 32 is a chapter that is tough for a lot of people to explain (including me)
All i know is that a great man of faith (Jacob) was ravaged by fear.
He questioned all the things God had been promising Him for years.
Jacob sent half of his crew to ease the fear... the other half he sent into retreat mode.
Which means... Jacob was alone.
In a piece of scripture that a lot of people have a hard time explaining God came down and physically wrestled with Jacob... i am not sure in what form but i know he battled him in some sense... even came away with a limp ... the limp was like a scar... proof that you got cut!!!!

I have spent many nights like Jacob...swimming in a bottom-less pool of fear.
When i read about God visiting Jacob in his tent to "do battle with Him" ... it gives me chills because God has visited my tent many times and i fought and yelled and screamed at Him!!

"why did this happen?"
"rescue me from these circumstances"
"thats not fair"
"cut down my enemies"
"you said that i am your kid and yet you allow trouble to beat me up"

I finally got the point.

God would rather have me yelling and screaming at Him than have me run away.

I am not the only one that runs to things to ignore a pending clash with God.

Shopping, alcohol, movies, books, excercise, sports, sleep ... we will do what we can to avoid hashing things out with God

The picture that comes to mind is an image of a person beating on God's chest.

While beating on God's chest you are yelling "WHY AM I HURTING AND IN PAIN?"


yell, beat on His chest ... in the end your strength and efforts will leave you tired and you will fall against Him and He will wrap you in comfort.

either way... The Creator of the Universe and lover of your soul is so madley in love with you just the way you are that He'd rather have you raise your voice at Him than run away and ignore him.

Like King David hiding in a field yelling to God to slay David's enemies... He was frustrated, angry, and confused but i will end this the same way he did

you are great God... and your love endures forever!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The coolest city in the world!!!!

Returned from vacation on Saturday the 8th of September. Still on a high!

Boston has got to be the coolest city in the world. And of all the cities i've been to... it was the most memorable... that includes Hong Kong, London, Dublin, New York, Chicago, Seattle on and on...

maybe it's cuz i'm a history nerd. there's somethin' about history that can physically take your breath away. if you stand in the right spot.

To explain... let me compare the New York leg of the trip and the New England leg of the trip.

And don't get me wrong. New York has unbelievable Rev War history, but the places to visit in New England can transport you back 300 years where as NY has too many tourist distractions to focus on their emmense history.

Here's where my buddies and I hit:

New York
Statue of Liberty
Staten Island Ferry
Time Square
Rockefeller Center
Yankee game vs. Mariners!
Central Park
Wall Street
9/11 site

Boston/New England
Fenway Park (Red Sox game- Unreal!!!)
The freedom Trail- stood where the Boston Massacre happened
stood in Paul Revere's house
stood at the grave sites of Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, Jon Adams, the martyrs in the Boston Massacre.
Stood on the ground of the battle of Lexington
Stood on the path that led to the Battle of Concord
Stood on the bridge where the British and Colonists fought in Concord.
Plymouth Mass... stood where the Mayflower landed.
Bunker Hill in Boston... first actual skirmish of the Rev War.

all these things will take your breath away if you can take away the modern buildings and just look at the surroundings and let your mind go back 200 years. literally you'll stop breathing for a second.

Boston was just so cool. Hangin' in Haverhill, Mass. Drivin' through Conneticut and Rhode Island. Havin' ice cream in Plymouth across from the Plymouth Rock. Also sitting in an irish pub on Bunker Hill talkin' sox baseball with the locals!

This trip was the coolest i've ever taken and would go back in a heart beat!!

I guess the combo of baseball and history are a powerful combo!